Lung Sounds Reference Guide
Select one of the titles below to review auscultation assessment tips, view phonocardiograms/waveforms and listen to audio recordings.
![reference guide for heart and lungs sounds auscultation](
Aortic Sclerosis (Musical Murmur)
![Aortic Sclerosis (Musical Murmur)](
Acute Pericarditis
![Acute Pericarditis waveform](
Aortic Regurgitation (Decrescendo Diastolic Murmur)
![AorticRegurgitation (Decrescendo Diastolic Murmur) waveform](
Aortic Regurgitation Mild
![Aortic Regurgitation Mild](
Aortic Regurgitation Moderate
![Aortic Regurgitation Moderate](
Aortic Regururgitation Severe
![Aortic Regururgitation Severe](
Aortic Stenosis (Diamond Shaped Systolic Murmur)
![Aortic Stenosis (Diamond Shaped Systolic Murmur)](
Aortic Stenosis Mild
![Aortic Stenosis Mild](
Aortic Stenosis Moderate Regur Mild
![Aortic Stenosis Mod Regur Mild](
Aortic Stenosis - Severe
![Aortic Stenosis - Severe](
Aortic Stenosis Moderate and Regurgitation Mild - Rheumatic
![Aortic Stenosis Moderate and Regurgitation Mild - Rheumatic Origin](
Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia
![Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia](
Atrial Septal Defect
![Atrial Septal Defect](
Bronchophony Abnormal
![Bronchophony Abnormal](
Bronchophony Healthy
![Bronchophony Healthy](
Coarctation of the Aorta
![Coarctation of the Aorta](
Commotio Cordis
![Commotio Cordis](
Crackles Coarse (Rales)
![Crackles Coarse (Rales)](
Crackles Early Inspiratory (Rales)
![Crackles Early Inspiratory (Rales)](
Crackles Fine (Rales)
![Crackles Fine (Rales)](
Crackles - High Pitched (Rales)
![Crackles - High Pitched (Rales)](
Crackles Late Inspiratory (Rales)
![Crackles Late Inspiratory (Rales)](
Crackles Low Pitched (Rales)
![Crackles Low Pitched (Rales)](
Ebstein's Anomaly
![Ebstein's Anomaly](
Exercise Heart Rate 120bpm
![Exercise Heart Rate 120bpm](
First and Second Heart Sounds Normal and Unsplit
![First and Second Heart Sounds Normal and Unsplit](
First and Second Heart Sounds Reduced Intensity
![First and Second Heart Sounds Reduced Intensity](
First Heart Sound (Markedly Split)
![First Heart Sound (Markedly Split)](
First Heart Sound (Minimally Split)
![First Heart Sound (Minimally Split)](
First Heart Sound Decreased Intensity
![First Heart Sound Decreased Intensity](
First Heart Sound Loud
![First Heart Sound Loud](
First Heart Sound plus Aortic Ejection Click
![First Heart Sound plus Aortic Ejection Click](
Fourth Heart Sound Plus First Heart Sound
![Fourth Heart Sound Plus First Heart Sound](
Fourth Heart Sound Gallop
![Fourth Heart Sound Gallop](
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
![Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy](
Innocent Murmur
![Innocent Murmur](
Innocent Systolic Ejection Murmur - Standing
![Innocent Systolic Ejection Murmur - Standing](
Innocent Systolic Ejection Murmur - Supine
![Innocent Systolic Ejection Murmur - Supine](
Mediastinal Crunch
![Mediastinal Crunch](
Mid-Systolic Click
![Mid-Systolic Click](
Mitral Regurgitation
![Mitral Regurgitation](
Mitral Regurgitation (Pan-systolic Murmur)
![Mitral Regurgitation (Pan-systolic Murmur)](
Mitral Regurgitation - Severe
![Mitral Regurgitation - Severe](
Mitral Regurgitation and Aortic Regurgitation
![Mitral Regurgitation and Aortic Regurgitation](
Mitral Stenosis (Diastolic Murmur)
![Mitral Stenosis (Diastolic Murmur)](
Mitral Stenosis - Mild
![Mitral Stenosis - Mild](
Mitral Stenosis - Moderate
![Mitral Stenosis - Moderate](
Mitral Stenosis - Severe
![Mitral Stenosis - Severe](
Mitral Stenosis Severe and Regurgitation Mild Rheumatic
![Mitral Stenosis Severe and Regurgitation Mild Rheumatic Origin](
Mitral Valve Leaflet Prolapse
![Mitral Valve Leaflet Prolapse](
Mitral Valve Prolapse (Click with late systolic murmur)
![Mitral Valve Prolapse (Click with late systolic murmur)](
Mitral Valve Prolapse with Mid Systolic Click - Standing
![Mitral Valve Prolapse with Mid Systolic Click - Standing](
Opening Snap and Second Heart Sound
![Opening Snap and Second Heart Sound](
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
![Patent Ductus Arteriosus](
Pleural Rubs
![Pleural Rubs](
Prosthetic Heart Sound - Aortic
![Prosthetic Heart Sound - Aortic](
Prosthetic Heart Sound - Mitral
![Prosthetic Heart Sound - Mitral](
Pulmonary Stenosis
![Pulmonary Stenosis](
Pulmonic Regurgitation - Mild
![Pulmonic Regurgitation - Mild](
Rhonchi - Low Pitched Wheezes
![Rhonchi - Low Pitched Wheezes](
Second Heart Sound - Fixed Splitting
![Second Heart Sound - Fixed Splitting](
Second Heart Sound - Physiologic Split
![Second Heart Sound - Physiologic Split](
Second Heart Sound - Splitting
![Second Heart Sound - Splitting](
Second Heart Sound and a Tumor Plop
![Second Heart Sound and a Tumor Plop](
Second Heart Sound and Late Systolic Click
![Second Heart Sound and Late Systolic Click](
Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting
![Second Heart Sound with Fixed Splitting](
Second Heart Sound with Persistent Splitting
![Second Heart Sound with Persistent Splitting](
Second Heart Sound Fixed Splitting, Decr. Aortic Intensity
![Second Heart Sound: Fixed Splitting Decreased Aortic Intensity](
Second Heart Sound: Fixed Splitting Incr. Aortic Intensity
![Second Heart Sound: Fixed Splitting Increased Aortic Intensity](
Summation Gallop at 120 beats per minute
![Summation Gallop at 120 beats per minute](
Tetralogy of Fallot
![Tetralogy of Fallot](
Third and Fourth Heart Sound Gallop
![Third and Fourth Heart Sound Gallop](
Third Heart Sound - Physiologic
![Third Heart Sound - Physiologic](
Third Heart Sound Gallop
![Third Heart Sound Gallop](
Tricuspid Regurgitation - Severe
![Tricuspid Regurgitation - Severe](
Tricuspid Stenosis - Moderate
![Tricuspid Stenosis - Moderate](
Ventricular Septal Defect
![Ventricular Septal Defect](
Vesicular - Diminished
![Vesicular - Diminished](
Vesicular - Normal
![Vesicular - Normal](
Wheezes - Expiratory
![Wheezes - Expiratory](
Wheezes - High Pitched
![Wheezes - High Pitched](
Wheezes - Low Pitched
![Wheezes - Low Pitched](
Wheezes - Monophonic
![Wheezes - Monophonic](
Wheezes - Polyphonic
![Wheezes - Polyphonic](
Whispered Pectoriloquy - Abnormal
![Whispered Pectoriloquy - Abnormal](
Whispered Pectoriloquy - Healthy
![Whispered Pectoriloquy - Healthy](
Authors and Sources
Authors and Reviewers
Heart sounds by Dr. Jonathan Keroes, MD and David Lieberman, Developer, Virtual Cardiac Patient.
- Lung sounds by Diane Wrigley, PA
- Respiratory cases: William French
David Lieberman, Audio Engineering
Heart sounds mentorship by W. Proctor Harvey, MD
- Special thanks for the medical mentorship of Dr. Raymond Murphy
- Reviewed by Dr. Barbara Erickson, PhD, RN, CCRN.
Last Update: 11/10/2021
Heart and Lung Sounds Reference Library
Diane S. Wrigley
Publisher: PESI -
Impact Patient Care: Key Physical Assessment Strategies and the Underlying Pathophysiology
Diane S Wrigley & Rosale Lobo - Practical Clinical Skills: Lung Sounds
- PESI Faculty - Diane S Wrigley
Case Profiles in Respiratory Care 3rd Ed, 2019
William A.French
Published by Delmar Cengage - Essential Lung Sounds
by William A. French
Published by Cengage Learning, 2011 - Understanding Lung Sounds
Steven Lehrer, MD
- Clinical Heart Disease
W Proctor Harvey, MD
Clinical Heart Disease
Laennec Publishing; 1st edition (January 1, 2009) -
Heart and Lung Sounds Reference Guide
Heart and Lung Sound Reference Guide