These modules are narrated by Dr Chris Moore, MD, and Professor at the Yale School of Medicine. The lessons include an extensive set of images and ultrasound videos.
This sonography training module provides an introduction to point of care ultrasound. It uses survey data and a case study to motivate students to understand the value in using ultrasound at the point of care.
This module presents foundational basics of ultrasound at the point-of-care.
This module presents the visualization of the aorta and IVC using ultrasound. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a solid understanding of the application of ultrasound for the aorta and IVC.
This sonography education module presents thoracic ultrasound at the point of care. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a solid understanding of the application of ultrasound for several thoracic abnormalities.
This module presents finding fluid using ultrasound. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a solid understanding of the finding fluids using ultrasound.
This module presents the use of ultrasound in procedures. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a solid understanding of the principles of procedural ultrasound and some commonly used sonography techniques.
This module presents FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma). Upon completion, participants should have a solid understanding of how and why FAST is used.
This module presents Point of Care Echocardiography. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a solid understanding of point of care echocardiography.
This module presents Emergency Echo - 5 Es. Upon completion of this module, participants should have a solid understanding of emergency echocardiography.
This module presents Renal Ultrasound. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a foundational understanding of renal ultrasound.
This module presents Pelvic Ultrasound. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a foundational understanding of pelvic ultrasound.
This module presents Gallbladder Ultrasound. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a foundational understanding of gallbladder ultrasound.
This module presents Artifacts in Ultrasound. Upon completion of the module, participants should have a foundational understanding of artifacts found in ultrasound.